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1:1 & Group 

We have a variety of different mentoring programmes, some of which are run during school hours, where the young people are identified by the school, and others which are run outside of school hours.



Promoting well-being 

5-10 in group  |  90mins/week  |  outside of school hours

Our Thrive groups are supportive safe environments where the young people can talk through their challenges, fears and anxieties with others who are feeling the same way.  We share tips and techniques with each other for coping strategies and lift each other up when we need it.  We always make time during the session to learn something new about our feelings and why we act a certain way, but in the usual KA style, we also play games, attempt challenges, cook and get creative.  We have a wide variety of young people on these groups; some may be struggling with self-harm, social anxiety, eating challenges, identity or perhaps find going to school a real challenge.

We run two groups a week - Mondays in Alton and Tuesdays in Petersfield. 

Image by Kelly Sikkema


Our Youth Workers are also on hand to provide support and a listening ear on a 1:1 basis to young people (school years 7+).  

We spend 40 mins solely focussed on one young person, guided by whatever challenge is facing them right now, allowing them the space to talk and find solutions for themselves, whilst supporting them with useful tools.

We run this programme, both in schools and at our centre, unfortunately, we do have limited capacity at the moment due to funding.  It is however, still worth getting in touch to see if we can help with this or in another way.



Managing Anxiety

6-8 in group  |  1hr/week  |  In school hours

We support young people and their anxiety through the Remind programme, which covers the reasons behind feeling anxious, the body’s reaction and identifying negative thoughts; providing them with tools to take back control.  Throughout the programme, we help them to realise they are not alone in their feelings whilst building their confidence and self-esteem.


Supported through Challenges

3-5 in group  |  1hr/week  |  In school hours

Every Elevate session is a mix between group and 1:1 mentoring and as such we have one youth worker for every young person.  It is helpful for supporting those with anxiety, low self-esteem or those struggling with a particular situation. Elevate provides the sense of belonging and support that a group offers, whilst allowing the space to explore more personal feelings.



Positive Choices

4-6 in group  |  1hr/week  |  In school hours

Our Believe young people have learning difficulties of some form or another (eg ADHD, GDD, ASC) and are often unwittingly “led astray” by others.  Their self-esteem is often low and they struggle to experience success like their peers; the pace and structure of school is an everyday challenge for them, where they may struggle to focus and "keep up" with the rest, sadly this leads to disengagement from learning.  We provide a safe space for them and support them in believing they can achieve, giving them the feeling of success, acceptance and a place to be themselves, whilst discussing toxic friendships and how to make more positive choices for their future.


A better Future

4-6 in group  |  1hr/week  |  In school hours

Our Aspire young people are disengaged from education and can sometimes struggle with their anger.  They can present as defiant and disruptive and as a result frequently end up in inclusion or 'on report‘. Sadly, they often lack self-belief and have low aspirations; and they may have involvement with the police.  They need support in believing in themselves and making better choices, which is where we come in.  Our Youth Workers engage these young people, creating a connection which allows us to break down their barriers and tackle the underlying issues, supporting them in taking responsibility for their actions and making better choices in the future.  We help to raise their self-esteem and identify their future aspirations and long term goals; we help them to see that they can have a bright future.  We usually cover risky behaviours including drugs, alcohol and sexting.



Being able to be myself and open up to people outside of school who will listen.

It helps me to be more positive

I like that everyone here is like me and I’m not alone.  Everyone can share how they cope

I have definitely grown in confidence.  My friends ask me to talk to people now



If you would like to chat and find out a bit more about our Mentoring please get in touch. 


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